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I know it seems old...

... but lately I've been craving a telephoto lens for birdwatching. It's rather difficult with a basic 10x optical zoom. And I do love my digital. I just long, horribly, for a DSLR with a telephoto. I've had an interest in birds for quite some time now and the ones here at this complex are very vocal. I literally, most mornings, wake up to hear the birds chattering away. All throughout the day they continue and it's a part of spring/summer that I love. It's wonderful. Sleeping with the windows open, listening to my neighbors scream the F word below @ 1:30 in the morning, and waking up to the birds' song.

Okay, not that second part.

Funny how my first post on this little mini-me blog is about birds. I didn't mean for it to be that way, it just sort of happened. But I just think of all the different things I could do by simply having a telephoto. It certainly would make for good photo ops.

It's 2:29 and I'm dreading the fact that I need to start this laundry, again. :( It is good, however, that the kids are quiet enough I think they might actually be SLEEPING! Incredible. We're off to market on foot when the wake up. I need sugar, brown sugar, more on-sale chocolate chips, and I think I'll grab a couple more avocados if they're still 2 for $1.

More later.


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